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Three Practical Tips for Maintaining Your Solar Panels

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If you are looking for an alternative energy source for your home, you should think about installing solar panels on your property. This option is ideal for complementing your electrical power supply from the national grid and reducing your monthly expenses. Also, the solar power is renewable and clean; it is beneficial for the planet. In addition, solar panels are low maintenance assets, and they will provide long-term benefits after installation. However, you should not neglect the solar power setup after installation. You should perform some upkeep to ensure optimal performance and durability. Here are some critical maintenance tips for your residential solar panels.

Keep the Panels Clean

You should clean your solar panels periodically to ensure efficiency in harnessing solar energy. In general, solar panels are built to be self-cleaning. However, certain materials such as construction debris, grime, dirt and other deposits accumulate on the surfaces. Over time, the build-up will compromise the performance of the power system. It is important to remove these materials so that sunlight will be captured effectively. You can simply use a hose to wash off the dirt on the panels. If there are stubborn spots, you should wipe the surface with a soft cloth.

Remove Overhanging Branches

You should trim branches which might be hanging over your solar panels. This problem is not uncommon because solar panels are installed on the roof, and numerous homes have tall landscaping trees. You should note that overhanging branches will prevent the system from functioning at maximum capacity because of the shading. Also, if the tree limbs are blown by the wind, they could damage the solar panels, compromising the system functionality. Therefore, you should make time to prune your landscaping trees around your house for ideal performance.

Monitor the Performance

You should monitor the performance of the solar panels for a clear analysis of the efficiency. Simply speaking, you should measure and record the specific power output by your solar power system on a daily basis. The information will help you understand whether the solar panels are working correctly and within acceptable parameters. Also, you will be able to identify problems by checking for a decline in the power output. When recording the data, you should remember to make a note of overcast days. If there is insufficient sunlight, the generated power will also be low.

Finally, you should create time for inspecting the solar panels and other related power system components. If you notice anomalies, you should hire an expert for immediate repairs.
